Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Winter Will Not Be Forgotten

I think the we have seen the last of snow, ice and below zero temperatures. This week is supposed to be above zero, sometimes overnight. Jim has been busy with water drainage and driveway rescue; dragging, plowing, blowing and scraping away ice and mud.

The paths we use most are now free of snow, it is so nice to see clay and stone! It certainly gives an uplifting feeling to the farm. The animals spend more time sunbathing and are beginning to snoop around. The horses are rubbing on trees as their winter coats fall to the ground.

Tomorrow the pigs should be running around outside. This will make both them and myself happy; cleaning their pen has become a daily task! I am hoping that they obey the electric fence. Eventhough the electric fence is inside a solid wood fence, it is still important for them to become "afraid" of the electric wire; this is eventually what will keep them inside the woodlot and pasture.

Ice blocks are becoming a priority, if we wait much longer the ice will be gone. Wouldnt it be great to run a fridge off ice blocks all summer. (more on this in another post)

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