Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spring = Lots To Do

With spring finally being here; we have so many odd jobs that need attention. Clean up has been our main focus as the melting snow uncovers more and more things that need to tidied. Katie is coming along nicely, and I want to devote an entry on her progress. The other day we had to go out to sea and rescue the dock as it had spent the day floating past the sandbar. I also want to post an entry on that particular outing; Judy ended up walking the dock through 2ft of cold, cold water, lots of pictures!

Jenny is arriving tomorrow, Judy is so excited. We spent the day grooming the driveway and finding a place for sleighs, wagons and buggies. The Llama's seemed to have found a way through two strands of electric fencing; so this morning was devoted to "llama lockup". Four strands of electric fencing and some extra posts should hold them at bay!

More on Katie's progress and Judys water adventure another time. Enjoy these pictures for the time being.

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