Thursday, April 02, 2009


Are any of the animals staying with the sale of the farm?

The above picture is of Dudley our stud goat and the one above that of Tinkerbell and Tootsie.
The horses April and Jethro, Moses the Donkey and Thumbelina a pygmy goat will be remaining with Jim and I. The remaining herd is for sale these consist of 6 llamas, Dudley a West African pygmy buck stud, Tinkerbell a female pygmy and her doeling baby (Tootsie) born March 9th/09. Also a breeding pair of peafowl. All the horse equipment, harness etc is not for sale. last summer I significantly downsized the animal population and found homes for most of the critters that you see in our website under 'petting farm'

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