Thursday, April 02, 2009


Are any of the animals staying with the sale of the farm?

The above picture is of Dudley our stud goat and the one above that of Tinkerbell and Tootsie.
The horses April and Jethro, Moses the Donkey and Thumbelina a pygmy goat will be remaining with Jim and I. The remaining herd is for sale these consist of 6 llamas, Dudley a West African pygmy buck stud, Tinkerbell a female pygmy and her doeling baby (Tootsie) born March 9th/09. Also a breeding pair of peafowl. All the horse equipment, harness etc is not for sale. last summer I significantly downsized the animal population and found homes for most of the critters that you see in our website under 'petting farm'

Selling The Farm And Pertinent Questions That Arise

Many of the questons that people put to us are very similar in content. So to be truthful this is an experiment in making it a little easier on myself and perhaps lure interested buyers to this blog. I will copy a response I just made to a couple in ontario.

Why are we selling?
Shortly after building the farm Jim became ill and although we have tried to keep going I suffered a burnout/breakdown last year so we decided with great sadness that it would be best to sell the property and hopefully it would go to others who would have a sense of the vision we started and perhaps carry some of the vison on. We have put an enourmous amount of time, energy and finances into it so with all of this going on it created 'The perfect storm' of financial burden, burnout and ongoing health problems.

Background on the area.
I will tell you a little of the area. We are 15 min drive from O'Leary. This community has everything you need as far as any shopping requirements, Grocery, feed mill, gas station, hardware stores, Tim Hortons! rink, restuarants, variety stores, drug stores, hospital etc. I tend to do most of my shopping in O'Leary and if there is something special I need I go to Summerside which is 45 mins away I probably make this trip once a month. Charlotteown is 90 mins and I rarely go.

What's the weather like?
The weather here is interesting and being an island can be very changeable. They say give it ten minutes and it will change! Winter begins in December and you can usually safely say that by end if April it will mostly be dried up and spring will have shown it's head. Winters are quiet and almost a time to hibernate and re-energise. I like to make use of the time to snow shoe, keep up the trails with the horse and sleigh, read cook and socialise with friends. Many people snowmobile and ice fish. We have a resort called Rodd Mill River and they have a pool and sports complex, squash court also cross country ski trails and in the summer golf course. the island produces a lot of wind and one of the beauties of Pioneer farm is that it is well protected with its surrounding woodland. We are always surprised that when we go off the farm how much wind you feel. In the summer it is the opposite we get a lovely breeze off the ocean. Summers are usually in the low 20's it can get hotter but not intolerably so. It is not as humid as Southwestern Ontario.

What about heat?
On the farm we heat mostly with wood. We go through about 4-5 cords of wood per winter and of course you have all the wood you would need for the rest of your life. I generally use the wood stove during the day and then let the propane kick in at night. if you babysit the wood stove you will use less propane. This year we have relied more on the propane and our season cost will be approx $1000. I close down the cottage during the winter but it also has propane heat. Until this year we have plowed out our own lane but because of Jims health this winter we contracted a local farmer to blow us out and you can reckon on 6-8 times per season at $50 per trip.

What are the locals like?
We have made some really good island friends and also others that ' come from away ' this is the term to describe non islanders! Islanders will give you the shirt off their back. Many especially in rural pei are not highly educated but treat them with respect and you will always have someone to count on. there is a great feeling of community here and for all these reasons when we sell the farm Jim and I will stay in this area we have come to love and feel a part of it.

Alternative energy eqiupment.
In our opinion the next step would be to put in a larger wind turbine on the farm as our self generating energy needs run a little short in the winter time. We have a back up generator which we have to use ocassionally to charge up the batteries. Summer time there is generally no problem. There are no conditions here that would prevent you from putting in any turbine you choose. a good friend has a company called renewable lifestyles and he is in the business of providing people with their alternative energy needs he runs his business out of Summerside, so he would be of great help to advise and order equipment and help install.

Here is a list of most of our alternative energy componants
The charge controller is an Outback MX60, the charger/inverter is a Magnum "Magna Sine" c/w remote. We have six 2 volt Surrette Deep Cycle 2KS33P batteries, a Rutland Furlmatic 910-3 windcharger and a Link 10 system monitor. For solar we have two 100 watt ground mounted (german) and six 60 watt on the roof.

How much are property taxes?
Taxes are approximately $100 per month.

Telephone and possibility of bringing in Hydro?
We have a telephone line that is buried but we are still on dial up. The govt of Pei has promised that all of rural Pei will have accses to high speed bythe end of this year. For those who are interested we have had a quote to bring hydro lines down and the price was $13.000.oo.

When I have more guestions come to me or if I think of any other info that would be good to pass on I will post again.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

A Return To Blogging

It has been almost a year since we opened the blog. As you can see there have been no postings made for quite some time. Jim reminded me about it yesterday and now having made the desicion to close the farm and put it up for sale we thought it might be an idea to put in some information here for those who have been making enquiries. I will have to think about what is pertinent information and try and get my head wrapped around this and how to approach it. So I will just let it ruminate for a bit and see where it leads us.